We fight antisemitism, bigotry, Holocaust denial, Boycott Divest and Sanctions against Israel (BDS) and we solidly support Israel. Our weapons: music and the arts. Thank you for visiting our website.
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INTERNATIONAL VOICE OF JUSTICE was established in 2009 to fight anti-Semitism and bigotry through Holocaust education using music and the fine arts. IVOJ has provided a platform for Holocaust-related opera, theater and memorial concerts with a focus on Europe. Artists from many disciplines in the fine arts have used their talents to address the evils of anti-Semitism. Among those participating in productions have been: classical singers, instrumental musicians, orchestras, dancers, visual artists, actors, directors, and others. Projects have been produced in many nations of Europe. To date we have worked in: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, France and Germany, along with memorial concerts in the U.S.A., and a Holocaust-related theater production in a Broadway theater festival in New York City and Paris. Holocaust-related opera, memorial concerts and theater have touched the hearts of the public in many nations of Europe and the United States, and the performances have received standing ovations and excellent reviews in the media.
The atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023 and the ensuing pro-Hamas protests around the world have brought a realization that every effort must be made to counteract these evils. It is evident that nothing has changed. The irrationality of antisemitism is still in the world, even after the horrors of World War II. The atrocities of the slaughter of 1,200 innocent Israelis and the hostages being held in underground tunnels in Gaza are all a reminder of the evils committed by Hitler’s regime. Every person of conscience must take a stand to support the Jewish people and Israel. As Elie Wiesel said, “Never forget, never again.” Across the United States and in other nations, protesters supporting Hamas are gathered to declare that Israel be destroyed. They are threatening the lives of students in universities. Jewish people are not safe with the rising tide of hate around them. Lying rhetoric against Israel is being constantly promoted on the news media in Europe, the U.S.A. and elsewhere. We must not allow this to lead to another Holocaust.
The directors of International Voice of Justice are actively using every medium possible to stand against antisemitism: as writers, producers, performing artists and as speakers in seminars and conferences on antisemitism and the Holocaust. Remembrance of the atrocities and evils of the Holocaust can be a powerful means of changing peoples’ hearts and minds for the good. “Those who forget their history are destined to repeat it.” Therefore, it is necessary that good people take a stand against the current threats to Israel and the Jewish people, along with promoting a memory of the Holocaust as a means of bringing understanding about the danger and evils of antisemitism. Lies must be counteracted with the truth on every level of society. This is the purpose of the work of International Voice of Justice.